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Blog #3- THRIVE & CrossFit

Why Do We Offer Two Workout Programs?

You might be wondering why we have two different programs with separate workout opportunities each day. Most people pick one or the other, but every CrossFit membership includes our THRIVE program, giving you two options to choose from daily based on your fitness goals, schedule, or personal preference.

Some athletes prefer the 45-minute THRIVE option because it fits their schedule better or simplifies their workout decision-making. The most common question we hear is, “Am I still doing CrossFit if I choose THRIVE?” The answer is a resounding yes! Regardless of which program you choose, all our workouts align with the fundamental definition of CrossFit: constantly varied, functional movement, performed at high intensity.

Understanding the CrossFit Definition

Constantly Varied

This simply means your workouts are always different. Variation can come in many forms, including movement selection, workout duration, partner versus individual workouts, and intensity levels—whether high-intensity bursts or steady aerobic conditioning. Even factors like the weather, time of day, or workout setting can contribute to variability, keeping your body from adapting to a predictable routine.

Functional Movements

Functional movements mimic real-life activities. If you want to sit, you need to squat. Picking something off the ground? That’s a deadlift. Holding something overhead? That involves lifting (think cleans) and pressing movements like the strict press, push press, or push jerk. Running, jumping, lifting, and carrying all prepare you for everyday life challenges. By training these movements, you’ll be more capable and confident in your day-to-day activities.

High Intensity

Intensity is relative to each individual. It might sound intimidating, but it’s not. Simply put, high intensity means elevating your heart rate and pushing yourself beyond your normal comfort zone. This level of effort looks different for everyone, and that’s okay! Our goal is to help you challenge yourself in a way that is safe and effective for your fitness level.

The Key Difference Between Our Two Programs

The primary difference between our two programs is duration—one lasts 45 minutes, while the other is 60 minutes. We designed it this way to offer flexibility. Some people need a quicker option to get in and out, while others may prefer the extended session. Regardless of the program, every class is coach-led from start to finish, ensuring proper guidance, safety, and continuous improvement.

The magic of our programs is in the coaching and teaching. We want you to move better every time you come in. This takes time, patience, and trust. Our coaches invest in getting to know you, understanding your learning style, and building a relationship where you feel confident in receiving feedback.

More Than Just a Workout

For many, CrossFit is an escape—a chance to step away from daily stressors for 45 to 60 minutes and focus purely on the present moment. You’ll be surrounded by like-minded individuals, naturally pushing yourself beyond what you might accomplish alone. You’ll step outside your comfort zone, learn more about yourself, and build lifelong friendships.

Our goal is simple:

  • Have fun
  • Be coachable
  • Get a little better every day
  • Prioritize your health and well-being

We know CrossFit can seem intimidating, and you may have heard misconceptions about it being too intense or even dangerous. The truth? CrossFit is for everyone. Our members range from 6 years old to 78 years old! With a focus on proper mechanics, consistent training, and gradual intensity increases, we ensure safety and long-term progress.

Reverse Aging & Measuring Progress

Think of CrossFit as reverse aging. Our definition of health is increasing fitness over the course of your life. We want you to be fitter at 40 than you were at 30! By tracking results, we measure progress with real data, allowing you to see tangible improvements over time.

We are here to support our community and help more people integrate health and fitness into their lives. If you’re on the fence, we encourage you to give it a chance. No matter your starting point, we will help you get where you want to go. CrossFit is infinitely scalable, meaning every workout can be modified to fit your current ability while still achieving the intended workout stimulus. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, you’ll finish each workout with the same sense of accomplishment as everyone around you—that’s the beauty of what we do.

Forget what you’ve heard—give CrossFit a chance. It just might change your life, too!